Practical Ideas for Pastors, Youth Workers, and Other Church Leaders:
- Invite older adults to share their story (their testimony) with the youth group or young adult group in your church.
- Schedule a time for mature teenagers to participate in all of the ministries of the church (e.g. attend deacons’ meetings, etc.) and report back to the other teenagers.
- Produce “baseball card” sized prayer cards for each teen and young adult (include digital photo and brief bio information) in the church and give to the senior citizens class for prayer. (At least give the older adults a list and some pertinent information about each young person to older adults for prayer.)
- Schedule and plan inter-generational table game nights with simple refreshments.
- Recruit older adults to be mentors to begin inter-generational conversations and relationships in church foyer.
- Offer inter-generational “Titus 2” classes or meetings on specific issues relating to marriages & children… and other practical topics. Give older adults opportunities to mentor younger adults.
- Plan and schedule equipping ministries for parents in your church.
- Involve teens and young adults alongside of adults in all public ministries - for example, greeters, parking lot attendants, ushers, worship team, tech team, etc.
- Talk with your church attorney about lowering the voting age in your church constitution - and then follow through with this decision.
- Be intentional about hosting inter-generational activities and events – where the various generations have the opportunity to actually connect.
- Take senior adults on a “field trip” to visit the youth group meetings and worship times.
- Think about ways to include older adults as youth workers or children’s workers.
- Schedule and motive people for inter-generational prayer meetings and small group Bible studies.
- Plan and take inter-generational missions trips.
- Be committed to getting involved in outreach in your community.
- Contact Mel about scheduling a “Going On For God” seminar in your church for church leaders and Christian parents.
Practical Ideas for Senior Citizens Gatherings to Become Inter-Generational:
- Encourage older adults to greet young people in the church foyer.
- Give significant older adults opportunities to share their story (testimony) in youth group or young adult meetings.
- Invite select senior adults to be involved in teaching young people from time to time.
- Motivate older students to pray specifically (by name) for young people in your church – and then schedule opportunities for them to meet those young people.
- Recruit some older adults to serve as youth workers or children’s workers in your church.
- Encourage older adults to communicate specific encouragements to young people.
- Plan and schedule inter-generational table game nights or other fellowship times.
- Be intentional about providing ways for the generations to connect and build relationships.
- Schedule and motivate people for inter-generational prayer meetings.
Practical Ideas to Help Kids Gain Loyalty / Sweat Equity in the Local Church
- Today’s young people are very social and justice conscious – provide ways to them to be actively involved in the ways your church meets the needs of your community.
- Teach young people to give and tithe to the church.
- Investigate ways to lower the voting age in your church constitution so that teenagers can participate in church business.
- Be intentional about teaching young people about your church’s business meetings and leadership structure.
- Schedule and plan inter-generational work projects at the church.
- Make sure that all ministries of the church include inter-generational serving and mentoring.
- Provide ways for young people to be involved in all public ministries of the church (greeters, parking lot attendants, ushers, worship team, tech team, etc.)
- Help young people build relationship with other senior leaders in your church (in addition to the youth ministry staff).
- Motivate kids to pray specifically for your church and church leaders.
- Be intentional about involving young people in your church’s missionary endeavors.
- Share with the young people that the church leaders are encouraging older adults to greet them and get to know them in the church foyer.
- Involve emerging generations in the big picture of what your church is doing in your community, your area, and around the world.
Practical Ideas for Christian Parents to Help Kids Grow Up to Go On for God
- Commit your family to the ministries of your church that feature: God’s Word, worship, service, fellowship, giving, and evangelism. (Don’t feel guilty for not being involved in everything.)
- Don’t allow your kids to become “over-involved” in extra-curricular activities at the expense of their involvement in church and youth group.
- Identify key spiritual disciplines that you will build as habits in the lives and schedules of your kids (daily time with God, prayer, Bible memory, preaching & teaching of God’s Word, participating in church, ministry & service, giving, fellowship, etc.)
- Be intentional about building five other influential, Godly adults into the lives of your kids.
- Allow your children to invite other Christian kids into your home.
- Involve your kids in God’s mission – outreach into your community and global missions.
- Find ways to involve your kids in missions trips.
- Do “all family” serving projects – do service or ministry projects together as a family.
- Teach your kids to rely on God’s resources. Raise your children in humility.
- Get parenting help if needed.
- Do all you can to reach out to “spiritual orphans” and other kids from dysfunctional families in your church and community.