Going On For God - The Book by Mel Walker2018-05-14T16:30:54+00:00

About The Book

If you are a Christian parent or grandparent, or if you are a pastor, youth pastor, or other church leader, I think you would agree that we want our kids to grow up and go on for God as adults. Right?

Youth ministry should never be a terminal program where teenagers graduate from high school, finish their involvement in youth group, and then walk away from the church. Yet, that is what is happening in the lives of so many emerging adults. It’s time to stop the exodus of young adults walking away from God!

This book is a practical conversation for Christian parents and church leaders who are interested in pro-active suggestions for encouraging the next generation to grow up spiritually and to live their adult lives as devoted followers of Christ. This process isn’t easy, but take it from someone who has been a fellow-struggler on this journey — it’s certainly worth the effort. We’re in this together as part of God’s work in the world today. We want our kids to grow up and go on for God!”

-Mel Walker

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About The Author

My 40-plus years of involvement in youth ministry has led me to the conviction that impacting emerging generations is essential for both Christian families and the church. As Christ followers we each have the responsibility to reproduce our faith in the lives of the next generations – and I’m saying that both to parents and pastors and other church leaders. They are our kids, and we must take the responsibility to intentionally encourage them for long-term spiritual maturity.

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